

Early day law officer Sam Bartell, notorious local Madame's such as Annie Wynn, and notorious murder cases.   Along the way are also mysterious people and bizarre events.



In 1906, a headline cried "Girl in Red Takes Plunge of 42 Feet on Horse's Back" in Oklahoma City's Colcord Park before an audience of some 2,000. The 2:30 event was part of the grand entertainment of fancy shooting, diving horses, and daring riders, like the girl in red "the bravest girl in the west", riding the diving horses.(Okahoman, Dec. 4. 1906, pg. 5)
 "Doc Carver" or "Dr. Carver" had begun the wild west show phenomena in the 1870's, one of his first performers was Bill Cody. His show, in an appreviated format, continued well into the 1930's.
He was well known in Texas as well as nearly everwhere else in the country, (http://www.texasescapes.com/MikeCoxTexasTales/192-Jumper-and-Diving-Horse.htm). The girl changed from time to time - which may be why she was whisked away before reporters could interview her in OKC - but all that was needed was the red outfit and a girl with enough bravado, or desperation, to make the jump.

The girl jumping into the tank of water continued with the Dr. Carver show for many years. One young woman in the 1920's missed the water and hit her head, blinding her for life. Yet, she went on to make more jumps and her story is immortalized in the Disney film, "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken."

Thorp, Raymond W. "Wild West" Doc Carver : spirit gun of the West; plainsman, trapper, buffalo hunter, medicine chief of the Santee Sioux, world's championmarksman, and originator of the American Wild West Show".
Buffalo Bill Historical Center at http://www.bbhc.org/edu/readyReference_02.cfm 

Also included are such episodes as the 1907 James Meadows murder trial.   Were the lovers - Lila Meadows (wife of the victim) and young Rudolph Tegler - "set up"?  Who really killed Meadows in his Capital Hill house and why?  Who were the mysterious 'medium' and the so helpful neighbor of Lila's who simply disappear?  It was a case with everything including barely ethical lawyers, courtroom theatrics, sudden illness, people who may have been paid off, and too many suspects.

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